Boss Name | Type | Location |
Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal | Main | Skyrest Bridge |
Scourged Sister Delyth | Main | Pilgrim's Perch |
Gentle Gaverus, Mistress of Hounds | Main | Pilgrim's Perch |
The Congregator of Flesh | Main | Forsaken Fen |
Mendacious Visage | Optional | Forsaken Fen |
The Hushed Saint | Main | Forsaken Fen |
Crimson Rector Percival | Optional | Fitzroy's Gorge |
Ruiner | Main | Fitzroy's Gorge |
The Lightreaper | Optional | Fitzroy's Gorge, Defiled Sepulchre, Upper Calrath |
Infernal Enchantress | Main | Lower Calrath |
Spurned Progeny | Main | Upper Calrath |
Skinstealer | Main | Cistern |
Bringer of Stillness | Optional | Cistern |
Bringer of Silence | Optional | Cistern |
Bringer of Nullity | Optional | Cistern |
Harrower Dervla, the Pledged Knight | Optional | Revelation Depths |
Kinrangr Guardian Folard | Main | Fief of the Chill Curse |
Griefbound Rowena | Optional | Fief of the Chill Curse |
The Hollow Crow | Main | Fief of the Chill Curse |
The Sacred Resonance of Tenacity | Main | Pilgrim's Perch |
Abiding Defenders | Optional | Manse of the Hallowed Brothers |
Blessed Carrion Knight Sanisho | Main | Tower of Penance |
Tancred, Master of Castigations | Main | Tower of Penance |
Reinhold the Immured | Main | Tower of Penance |
Abbess Ursula | Main | Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters |
Rapturous Huntress of the Dusk | Optional | Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters |
Judge Cleric, the Radiant Sentinel | Main | The Empyrean |
Andreas of Ebb | Optional | Upper Calrath |
The Iron Wayfarer | Optional | Bramis Castle Gate |
Damarose the Marked | Optional | Bramis Castle |
The Sundered Monarch | Main | Bramis Castle |
Adyr, the Bereft Exile | Main | Bramis Castle, Rhogar Realm |
Elianne the Starved | Main | Mother's Lull |
Pieta, She of Blessed Renewal: This boss use slow and heavily telegraphed attacks. She uses a lot of AOEs, can spawn clones of herself, and has a tendency to fly about, which makes it hard to hit her. Pieta becomes an NPC in the Lords of the Fallen hub.
Scourged Sister Delyth: This boss is challenging with a mixture of fast attacks telegraphed in a slow manner. It's hard to perfect dodges in this fight due to her unpredictable attack patterns. She uses a ball and chain, and there are pillars scattered throughout the arena that you can use to block her blood tornadoes.
Gentle Gaverus, Mistress of Hounds: After the challenging fight with Sourged Sister Delyth, Gentle Gaverus is a mini-boss that's relatively easier. You need to knock the armor off the dogs and avoid her regular arrows and the impending explosion when she detonates them all with a fire arrow.
The Congregator of Flesh: This fight tends to get stuck due to the small arena. The boss has a poison buff, which can be removed temporarily by destroying a parasite in the Umbral. It moves slowly, making its attacks relatively easier to dodge.
Mendacious Visage: This creature appears as a giant stone head with arms and legs in the swamplands. It has high defense, and you have to wait for it to open up its weak spot or try to circle behind it to deal more damage.
The Hushed Saint: This boss starts the battle on his horse and then dismounts to attack with his lance. He transitions between mounted and dismounted stances, charging at you unexpectedly. He also calls on his steed to run you down.
Crimson Rector Percival: Found in an abandoned rampart, this knight uses holy-infused abilities, including a spectral summon that rushes toward your character and slams down on the ground. He also has the ability to heal.
Ruiner: This monster guards a bridge and has various powerful attacks, including bull-rush ramming and ground stomps that cause explosions. Protection against fire damage is essential for this fight.
The Lightreaper: The Lightreaper serves as an introductory boss. It's a challenging fight, and players are meant to encounter him again as they progress further in the campaign.
Infernal Enchantress: This spellcaster uses fire-based attacks. She can torch players with flamethrower attacks and cast exploding orbs.
Spurned Progeny: This huge ogre is one of the most memorable bosses. The fight requires constant movement to dodge its various attacks, including arm swipes, fireballs, and a unique attack from its mouth.
Skinstealer: This four-armed reptilian warrior has various attacks. The most dangerous is his melee sequence, which involves two of each arm hitting you per swipe.
Bringer of Stillness: This boss battle starts against one grim reaper-esque enemy on a floating platform. As the fight progresses, you'll end up facing three of these reapers, each with devastating multi-hit combos.
Bringer of Silence: Hidden beneath an underground lake, the battle initially seems straightforward until two additional Bringers join the fray, making the fight about spatial awareness. You need to track the movements and dodge attacks effectively.
Bringer of Nullity: The Bringer of Nullity, a secondary boss from the Umbral Realm located in the Cistern, joins the fight alongside the Bringer of Silence after players face the Bringer of Stillness.
Harrower Dervla, the Pledged Knight: Harrower Dervla is a combination of Artorias from Dark Souls and Melania from Elden Ring. She possesses great speed and agility. She's accompanied by the Putrid Child, who casts spells and projectiles.
Kinrangr Guardian Folard: This battle takes place in a small cavern. The Kinrangr Guardian and his Wolfhounds are immune to damage until you destroy an Umbral Eye in the cavern.
Griefbound Rowena: This boss uses ice spells and is accompanied by various undead wights. She can resurrect the mobs, so focusing on her is essential.
The Hollow Crow: This unique boss requires players to defeat the ghost of a woman floating around in the arena while also dealing with frost-based spells and various mobs.
The Sacred Resonance of Tenacity: If you find a pathway in Pilgrim’s Perch, you'll encounter this boss. He wears a large bell helmet and has various powerful attacks, including holy-infused hammer blows and a massive AoE blast.
Abiding Defenders: This fight pits you against two paladin elites. One prefers melee combat, while the other creates sacred sword projectiles.
Blessed Carrion Knight Sanisho: This undead knight moves slowly. Most of the area gets shrouded in poison during the fight, and he also has a reanimation spell.
Tancred, Master of Castigations: This boss fight starts with Tancred, a tall warrior who uses magic and his shield for powerful AOE attacks. In the second phase, his brother, Reinhold, takes over, resulting in a faster and more aggressive monster.
Reinhold the Immured: This boss is located in the Tower of Penance in "Lords of the Fallen" (LotF). Players must defeat this mandatory boss to progress further in the game, adding a challenging element to their experience.
Abbess Ursula: This boss uses holy spells. The fight requires players to use a central pillar to block her magic beams. She also tries to heal herself.
Rapturous Huntress of the Dusk: This boss is known for her strong affinity to Radiant magic and is encountered at the altar in the Abbey of the Hallowed Sisters.
Judge Cleric, the Radiant Sentinel: This two-phase fight features a boss who dual-wields a sword and banner. She uses both holy abilities and fire spells.
Andreas of Ebb: Andreas of Ebb serves as both an NPC and a secondary boss in "Lords of the Fallen." This boss is a descendant of the renowned hero Antanas, who famously stood against Adyr and the Rhogar.
The Iron Wayfarer: An NPC encountered early in the campaign. He uses a one-handed hammer empowered by wither magic.
Damarose the Marked: An NPC that players meet during their journey. She's protected by floating sigils that send out fireballs.
The Sundered Monarch: This boss is a massive king who uses his wife's statue as a weapon. He has some of the most powerful single-hit attacks in the game.
Adyr, the Bereft Exile: The final boss in Lords of the Fallen. Players don't damage Adyr directly but have to slay all the cultists in the area within a time limit to deplete his health.
Elianne the Starved: Elianne the Starved is located in Mother's Lull and exclusive to those pursuing the Umbral Ending. She's expected to be the final challenge after taking out Harrower Dervla.