Lords Of The Fallen: How To Get Black Armor Dye

In "Lords of the Fallen," Tincts are items that let you change your armor's color. They're like color palette swaps, giving you more style options. Each Tinct shows three orbs indicating the colors it will apply. You can see these in a special menu when you pause the game. Tincts are rare and often hidden, so you need to explore off the main paths. Use the Umbral Lamp to find hidden paths in Axiom, where Tincts might be waiting.

To get the Black Armor Dye, also known as the Harbinger Dye, follow a path marked by lights in the early-game swampy area. This route is not complex and leads to a distinctive tree branch, which serves as a bridge. Upon crossing, you need to enter the Umbrell State, a necessary step to reveal a ladder.

Climbing this ladder is crucial as it brings you closer to the dye. The Harbinger Dye isn't immediately next to the ladder but is located nearby. Look around and be careful of potential enemies, until they spot a bonfire. The dye is in proximity to this bonfire.

Once acquired, the Harbinger Dye can be applied to basic armor, significantly altering its appearance to a sleek black that looks like Reaper.

To use a Tinct, go to the Tinct menu in the pause screen. Choose the Tinct you want and then select the armor piece to dye. Armor is divided into four categories: Head, Arms, Torso, and Legs. Confirm your choice to change the armor's color. Tincts only work on the armor you're wearing. So, you might need to switch armors in the menu to get your desired look. This process is a bit fiddly, but it's worth it to make your character look cool.

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Ethan Akins

Ethan is the write for Gamer Amplify and he is all about the grind and the glory that comes with it. Ethan is a long time TF2 player, but also got a soft spot for RPGs like WoW and RTS games like SC2. On gaming forums and in articles, Ethan is the go-to for straight talk on game mechanics and strategies.

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