How To Respec In Lords Of The Fallen

In Lords Of The Fallen, respecing allows players to reset their character's stats and reallocate points to different attributes. This feature provides flexibility, enabling players to adapt to new challenges or simply experiment with different builds.

How To Respec In Lords Of The Fallen

To respec your character in Lords Of The Fallen, go to Skyrest and interact with Molhu to buy Rebirth Crysalis for 8000 Vigor. After obtaining the Rebirth Crysalis, talk to Pieta and choose "Crysalis Rebirth", and she reset your character's stats and will let you completely respec your character.

1. Find Molhu in Skyrest

Visit Molhu in Skyrest. You can find him by climbing the stairs to the left of the vestige. Switch to the Umbral Realm by pulling out your lantern and swapping over.

2. Buy Rebirth Chrysalis from Molhu

In the Umbrell Realm, you'll spot Molhu who is not visible in the regular world. Approach and engage in conversation with Molhu. This vendor sells a unique item called the "Rebirth Chrysalis." Buy it from Molhu for 8000 Vigor.

3. Talk to Pieta in Skyrest

After you get the Rebirth Chrysalis, head back to the Skyrest to find Pieta. She will now be positioned to the left of the Vestige in the main hall. Talk to Pieta and choose "Chrysalis Rebirth". This lets you completely respec your character.

4. Respec Your Character

You'll have the option to redistribute your points as desired. Allocate your points as you wish, and confirm your choices once you're satisfied by clicking on "Confirm".

Related: Lords Of The Fallen: How To Upgrade Weapons

Ways to Get Rebirth Chrysalis

The Rebirth Chrysalis is the linchpin of the respec process. Similar to the Larval Tears in Elden Ring, the Rebirth Chrysalis items are limited in number within the game world. Here's how to obtain them:

1. Molhu at Skyrest Bridge

Upon reaching Skyrest Bridge, players can purchase their first Rebirth Chrysalis from Molhu for 8,000 vigor. Molhu is conveniently located just up the stairs next to Pieta and offers other valuable services, including crafting boss weapons.

2. Winterberry in the Revelation Depths

Another vendor, Winterberry, sells the Rebirth Chrysalis in the Revelation Depths. However, players must exercise caution. After defeating the Skintaker boss, avoid using the lift immediately. Doing so triggers an event where Byron kills Winterberry. Instead, use the Drainage Control Key to lower the water level in the cistern, granting access to the depths and the vendor.

3. Exploring the Game World

Two additional Rebirth Chrysalis items can be found as world loot:

  • Fief of the Chill Curse area
  • Tower of Penance area

4. Shrine of the Putrid Mother

For players seeking an unlimited supply of Rebirth Chrysalis, the Shrine of the Putrid Mother in the Umbral region is the place to be. Once the community achieves tier two contributions, players can purchase as many Rebirth Chrysalis as they desire. However, each item costs a substantial 250 Plucked Eyeballs.

Learn More: Lords Of The Fallen: Best Early Game Armor Sets

Ethan Akins

Ethan is the write for Gamer Amplify and he is all about the grind and the glory that comes with it. Ethan is a long time TF2 player, but also got a soft spot for RPGs like WoW and RTS games like SC2. On gaming forums and in articles, Ethan is the go-to for straight talk on game mechanics and strategies.

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