In Starfield, players can acquire The Penthouse in New Atlantis as a residence after securing its keys for free by completing a specific quest. This reward is granted once the player's character...
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Shipbuilding, a core aspect of the game, presents its own set of challenges. Among these is the Companionway, a ship part available for purchase. At first glance, its purpose might seem elusive,...
Karmic Dice lets Baldur's Gate 3 players make informed gameplay decisions. Players can strategically leverage the system to balance dice rolls, enhancing their overall gaming experience and...
Resolve the Abduction is a quest in "Baldur's Gate 3" that players encounter during the Infiltrate Moonrise Towers mission. The quest is triggered if players have previously visited Last Light and...
Karlach, once bound to serve Zariel, now seeks freedom from her past and the tadpole inside her. After defeating the Elder Brain and saving Baldur’s Gate, Karlach's infernal engine becomes...
The Red Tape Blues quest is a captivating side mission that players encounter as they explore the Martian landscape. As players navigate the Red Tape Blues, they come across Trevor, who is in need of...