In "Baldur's Gate 3," Act 1 unfolds in the Wilderness, offering a true Dungeons & Dragons experience with numerous paths and outcomes for each quest. This flexibility allows players to tackle...
Category: Baldur’s Gate 3
Players of Baldur's Gate 3 have encountered a persistent bug where Shadowheart doesn't follow the group. This issue has been particularly prevalent since the release of Patch 4. However, there are...
Karmic Dice lets Baldur's Gate 3 players make informed gameplay decisions. Players can strategically leverage the system to balance dice rolls, enhancing their overall gaming experience and...
Resolve the Abduction is a quest in "Baldur's Gate 3" that players encounter during the Infiltrate Moonrise Towers mission. The quest is triggered if players have previously visited Last Light and...
Karlach, once bound to serve Zariel, now seeks freedom from her past and the tadpole inside her. After defeating the Elder Brain and saving Baldur’s Gate, Karlach's infernal engine becomes...
Balthazar is a boss in Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3. Recognized as a level 8 necromancer, he is classified under the undead Enemy Type. Your choices throughout the Gauntlet of Shar can lead you to...